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about the game

A game which is fun for the narrator AND the participants

Number 1 - Transparent.png
Number 2 - Transparent.png
Number 3 - Transparent.png

A child is picked as the narrator.  They then tell a story of a trip through the jungle.

Along the way they will encounter lots of different animals.  Some will live on land (lions, tigers, elephants etc.), others will live in water (Crocodiles, water buffalo, Lizards etc) while the rest will live in trees (monkeys, bears, parrots, etc).

As the different animals are encountered in the story the children must run as quickly as they can to the part of the room, which has been labelled ‘Land’, ‘Water’ or ‘Tree’ to reflect the habitation of the animal.  They should then make the noise of said animal.

If they get it wrong or arrive last, they’re out!

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